Frequently Asked Questions About Grooming a Puppy

You’ve done it! You’ve welcomed a busy, playful, and furry new pup into your home.

You've done everything you can to make sure your puppy adjusts well to its new home, new family, and new routine.

There is one aspect to caring for your pet that may still be a little fuzzy—bathing and grooming. Grooming a puppy is a big commitment, but it's also an important part of the complete puppy care and well-being of your new furry friend. 

Grooming requires regular brushing, bathing, and caring for your puppy's coat, skin, nails, and ears. This may leave you feeling overwhelmed. 

Keep reading to find out the answers to all of your questions about bathing and grooming your pup!

How Do I Get My Puppy Used to Grooming?

To get your puppy used to the grooming routine, start slowly. Start by gently touching their fur and providing treats afterward for positive reinforcement. 

Once your puppy is used to your touch, gradually introduce them to the grooming tools, one at a time. Keep the initial brushing sessions short and pleasant.  

If your puppy resists, don't force it. Stick with short sessions and continue positive reinforcement techniques every time. The most important thing is to establish a routine.

How Often Should I Groom My Puppy?

This depends on your puppy's breed and activity levels. Long and medium-haired breeds need daily brushing to prevent mats. Even short-haired dogs benefit from regular brushing—it keeps their fur shiny, healthy, and shedding less, and as for all dogs— a great opportunity to bond with their new owner.

Each breed has different requirements. Some may only need brushing and others need their fur brushed and trimmed on a regular basis.

What Kind of Comb Should I Use? 

The type of comb or brush you use for your puppy's fur depends on its coat length and texture. For long-haired dogs, choose a pin brush, made up of round-ended pins. Short, medium, and some long-haired dogs benefit from bristle brushes. 

There are also special brushes for removing shedding fur, removing mats, and polishing coats, as well as a variety of other grooming tools. 

How Often Should I Bathe My Puppy?

This varies, depending on breed, coat, and lifestyle. Experts don't always agree on how often you should bathe your pet, but the consensus is once a month.

Some factors may adjust this interval, including the different seasons, summer and winter, your puppy's skin sensitivity, and how often your puppy plays in the dirt.  

What Are Some Tips for Puppy Bathtime?

To make bathtime easier, you should make sure you are well-equipped, and knowledgeable about the how-tos of puppy baths. Here are some things you should know. 

Start Them Early

For a lifetime of uncomplicated and drama-free bath times, start at an early age, and praise them as much as possible during the baths. Puppies younger than eight weeks of age should not be bathed because their body temperatures haven't learned how to self-regulate yet. 

Have All Your Supplies Ready 

Make sure you have all your supplies set up and ready to go before you bring in your pet. Some of these include a non-slip tub, shampoo, toys for distracting your pup, and a towel to dry them off afterward. 

Choose a Place

Decide on a regular place to bathe your puppy. Make it a place that keeps your puppy contained—you don't want to chase your puppy around!

One good option is to visit a self-service dog wash facility. Walk in, have all the supplies and products ready for your to use, and voila, a clean puppy in no time. They may even have a full-service dog washing service if you don't have the time or energy for it. 

Make Bathtime Fun

If your puppy is having fun, he is more likely to enjoy bathtime. Give your pup a special, designated toy for bathtime, or give him lots of extra love. Your little pooch will remember this the next time he senses a bath is coming up. 

Use the Right Shampoo

Use a specially formulated puppy shampoo to wash your puppy's coat. Do your best to avoid getting shampoo in your pooch's eyes, as you don't want to scare them away from future baths. You should also avoid getting water into your dog's ears, as it can lead to infection. 

Make Sure the Temperature Is Right 

The water should be lukewarm, no more than 98.6°F. Dogs are sensitive to heat, so avoid hot bath water. Your puppy may hate the bath if the water is too cold, and it isn't as effective for lathering shampoo and cleaning your pet's fur. 

Have a Towel Ready 

Get that towel ready before your puppy shakes it all off! Gently towel him off until most of the water is off. To speed up the drying process, you may choose to use a hair dryer on a cool or warm setting if your puppy tolerates it. 

How Do I Clean My Puppy's Ears?

You should clean the outer part of the ear only, by using a damp cloth or a cotton swab with some mineral oil. Check their ears on a regular basis for dirt or redness, but never put anything into their ears.

If you suspect something is going on inside your puppy's ears, contact a veterinarian. 

What Should I Know About Nail Trimming?

Regular nail trimming is an important part of a puppy grooming regimen. Long nails could put stress on your pup's paws and ankles. 

Clip the tips of your puppy's nails once a week, and use professional dog nail clippers. Follow a vet's advice to safely clip your dog's nails, make puppy safety a priority, and avoid unnecessary pain and bleeding for your pet.

If nail trimming makes you nervous, you may opt for dog groomers. They are professionals who have lots of experience in trimming nails.  

Grooming a Puppy

Grooming a puppy requires patience, knowledge, and the right supplies. Make a routine of bathing and grooming habits for your puppy, and it will become an easy, trouble-free part of your life together.

At Bubbly Paws, we offer self-service dog washing stations that provide everything you need to make your puppy look and feel their best! Prefer a full-service dog wash to make your life even easier—we have that too! Make a grooming reservation today with one of our dog-loving professional groomers. 

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