Best Calming Scents for Dogs to Reduce Stress

If you have a dog who suffers from anxiety, you are not alone. An estimated 74% of dogs have a mental health condition, including anxiety and depression.

There are medications that treat anxiety in dogs. But what if you are looking for a natural remedy? That is where calming scents for dogs can come in.

Keep reading to learn about the best essential oils for anxious pups and how to use them safely and effectively.

The Best Calming Scents for Dogs

Research shows that scent can impact our stress levels. A recent study looked at the effects of essential oils on students. The participants reported feeling less tense, anxious, depressed, and tired after the study.

Did you know that dogs can benefit from calming scents, too? Here are the top ones to try for anxious dogs.


Lavender is a type of flower. The Lavandula flower is native to parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia. People in those regions have used lavender for its calming benefits for thousands of years.

People have long used dried lavender and lavender oils to help with relaxation. An active compound in lavender called linalool interacts with the brain, producing a calming effect.

Your furry friend can also benefit from the calming effects of linalool. Lavender or lavender oil is especially helpful for dogs who experience separation anxiety. 


Lemons may have a strong and energizing smell, but it has the opposite effect on our brains. Smelling lemons and lemon essential oils can actually help you calm down and unwind after a stressful day.

Dogs enjoy these benefits, too. Using lemon-scented dog products and essential oils around the home can help your dog feel less tense and restless.

The scent of lemons interacts with human and dog brains in a similar way. Lemons increase levels of hormones called norepinephrine. Norepinephrine is energizing, but it also helps improve focus and resilience.


Ginger is an aromatic spice. If you have some ginger lying around your kitchen, it may surprise you to know that it has powerful effects on your bran.

Ginger increases levels of hormones called serotonin and dopamine. Dopamine regulates our brain's reward system. Meanwhile, serotonin is often called the "happy" hormone.

Smelling ginger can also help your dog relax. Ginger oil may help reduce your dog's barking or whining. It can even be effective for calming dogs who like to jump on house guests.


Vanilla is a spice. Vanilla-makers produce this spice from seed pods of certain types of orchid flowers.

Like ginger, smelling vanilla increases levels of particular hormones in the brain. In this case, vanilla upregulates dopamine (the reward molecule) as well as another "feel good" compound called oxytocin.

Oxytocin is the hormone that helps babies bond with their mothers. Your dog's brain also releases oxytocin when he interacts with you, his owner. Vanilla is a powerful scent to use for dogs with attachment anxiety for this reason.


Valerian is a type of flower. In recent years, scientists have discovered that valerian may be an effective remedy for insomnia in humans. Valerian oil may help dogs who get too worked up to sleep, too.

Scientists are not exactly sure how this flower helps with sleep. But they have discovered that valerian interacts with a hormone called GABA in the brain.

GABA is important because it is the brain's primary inhibitor. Inhibitors like GABA lead to less brain activity. And less brain activity means a more relaxed state of mind.

How to Use Calming Scents for Dogs

Now that you know the best calming scents for dogs, are you wondering how to use them? Unlike medications you have to trick Fido into eating, scents are super easy to use for dogs.

However, you must always dilute essential oils before using them on dogs. Avoid using essential oils until your dog is eight weeks of age or older. And be very careful not to get essential oils into your dog's eyes or ears.

As long as you follow these precautions, here are three ways you can administer calming scents to your dog.

Use an Aromatherapy Diffuser

An aromatherapy diffuser can scent your whole house with the relaxing essential oils your dog loves. You can leave the diffuser on when you leave the house or while you are sleeping to help with your dog's specific anxieties.

But before you use a diffuser or any of the other methods on this list, make sure to acclimate your dog to the smell. Acclimation periods allow your dog to get used to the new smell without making him or her feel uncomfortable.

Start with a very small amount of essential oil and dilute it heavily. Make sure to use your diffuser in a well-ventilated area. Open a door to ensure your pet can escape the room should the smell get too strong. 

Apply Essential Oils Directly

You can apply calming essential oils directly to your dog's skin. Again, you must dilute the oil properly to avoid skin irritation. Also, make sure to apply scented oils somewhere your dog will not try to lick.

The amount of oil you should apply depends on your dog's size. Use a 9:1 carrier-to-essential oil ratio for small dogs. Medium dogs can tolerate 4:1 ratios, while large dogs can usually tolerate a 3:1 ratio.

There are two great ways to apply essential oils directly to your dog's skin. The first way is to apply the diluted oil to your hands and pet your dog. You can also dilute the oil in a spray bottle and apply the mixture to Fido's coat. 

Use Scented Dog Wash

The hands-down easiest way to use calming scents for dogs is to buy fragranced dog washes. There are dozens of scented dog wash brands on the market. Many of these brands sell products with calming scents like lavender.

These products are an excellent addition to any dog grooming routine. Anxious pups will feel calmer as the warm water diffuses those relaxing scents. Your dog may even start looking forward to his monthly dog bath!

At Bubble Paws, we know all about anxious pups. That is why we use calming scents in our products.

Calm Your Dog With Bubbly Paws

If you are looking for a more natural way to aid dog relaxation, calming scents for dogs can do the trick. Lavender, lemon, ginger, vanilla, and valerian are calming aromas your furry friend will love.

Does your dog need a bath? Bubbly Paws offer self-service and full-service grooming in your area, and we only offer the most calming scents in our products. Find a Bubbly paws location near you today!

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