The Best Ways to Deal With Matted Dog Hair

How to Get Rid of Matted Dog Hair

Those clumps and tangles can cause so much discomfort in your pet. Follow these tips on how to get rid of matted dog hair to quickly soothe them.

Giving your dog a haircut not only makes them look cute, but it could potentially save their life! In fact, the ASPCA says that matted hair on your pets can lead to severe medical conditions. These include anything from infected skin lesions to strangulating wounds. 

If your furry friend has matted fur, learning how to get rid of matted dog hair is essential to keep them healthy!

Do you want to learn more about how you can soothe and remove matted dog hair? Keep reading this guide for the top tips to prevent matted dog hair and for the best home remedies for matted hair. 

Prevention Is Key

When it comes to matted fur on your dog or cat, prevention is one of the most important things you can do! Matting is caused by dense clumps of fur that get tangled. It is most common in pets with long hair and happens often during shedding season. 

If the matted fur isn't removed when it is small, it will become bigger and more challenging to remove over time. 

Regular dog brushing is a simple way to prevent matted hair. Not only does this detangle dog hair, but it also removes dead fur and keeps it from getting tangled into a mat. 

For dogs with short coats, you can brush them once a week. Breeds that have longer fur should be brushed every day to prevent matted hair. 

Invest in De-Tangling Tools

If you are removing matted hair from your dog at home, you need to invest in the right de-tangling tools. One of the best tools you can have is a dog detangler brush. These types of brushes are essentially rakes that work to break up the coat of your dog. 

Not only is this helpful in removing matted fur, but it also makes it easier to remove excess fur during the shedding season. 

Because these types of brushes have sharper bristles, you should always be gentle when using them on your pet. 

Start With Dry Hair

Typically, it is best to start with dry hair when you are getting rid of matted hair in your dog's coat. This process can be quite time-consuming, so you and your dog should be in a comfortable position. 

Make sure you can maintain control over your dog to keep them from getting hurt during the process. 

Massage the Knot

Next, you can start to massage the knotted hair in your dog's coat. Using your fingers, you can start to separate the matted hair from the other surrounding hair. This will allow you to remove some of the tangles and will loosen the hair naturally without having to use any tools.

It will also make the mat much easier to work with. 

If your fingers are not doing the trick to separate the hair, you could try using cornstarch to remove matted fur! Simply rub the cornstarch into the mats. This can get between each piece of fur and will make it easier for you to detangle the mats. 

Brush in Both Directions

After you have started the detangling process, you should start brushing out the matted hair in both directions. This will help you pull the hair apart without hurting your dog. 

Simply start brushing the matted fur in alternating directions. Once the hair starts to pull apart, you can use a comb to reach the base of the mat. 

Use a Detangling Spray or Conditioner

While it is best to remove matted fur when it is dry, sometimes it is simply not possible. One product you could use to get rid of matted fur is a detangling spray or dog conditioner. This makes it much easier to get the brush through your dog's coat and will speed up the de-tangling process!

Trim Matted Hair if Necessary

If none of the previous steps have worked to remove the matted dog hair, you may need to trim the mat. However, you should never use scissors to remove matted fur from your pet! This is because clumps of fur can make it difficult to see where the fur stops and your dog's skin starts. 

If you cut out clumps of matted hair at the base, you may accidentally cut your dog's skin. 

Instead, you must invest in dog hair clippers. These have rounded edges and will make it possible to remove matted hair without accidentally hurting your furry friend. Still, clippers should only be used to remove severe mats that cannot be removed another way. 

Visit a Groomer

Finally, you may need to visit a dog groomer. If you cannot get the mat out and don't feel comfortable giving your dog a complete trim, a professional dog groomer can do this for you!

They can also help with other services, like trimming your dog's nails. Because they have so much experience grooming dogs, they will be able to get rid of all the matted fur much more effectively and quickly. 

Plus, they already have all the tools necessary to safely trim your dog's fur!

Learning How to Get Rid of Matted Dog Hair? We Can Help

When you have a furry friend, learning how to take care of their hygiene is necessary to keep them comfortable. Learning how to get rid of matted dog hair can prevent many health problems and will keep your pet looking healthy and happy. 

If you need help removing matted dog hair, Bubbly Paws can help! Our professional groomers can help you with all of your dog grooming needs and can help you prevent matted dog hair. 

Contact us today to learn more about our expert dog grooming services!

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