Is Oatmeal Shampoo Good for Dogs?

Just like humans, dogs have sensitive skin and their pH balance is easily thrown out of whack. If your dog is showing signs of skin sensitivities, you'll want to take extra precautions when choosing the products you use to groom her.

Chances are, you've heard that oatmeal-based shampoos and soaps are beneficial for humans. Is oatmeal shampoo good for dogs?

The short answer is yes! Colloidal oatmeal does seem to offer the same soothing benefits for dogs that it does for humans.

That said, there are more questions to ask about oatmeal shampoo for dogs. When should you incorporate it into your dog's grooming routine, what are the potential benefits, and how can you find the best dog shampoo containing colloidal oatmeal? Read on to find out! 

Benefits of Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs

A great deal of research has gone into the benefits of using oatmeal for skin relief. Oatmeal contains several types of phenols that provide anti-inflammatory relief and possess important antioxidants. While the exact connection between these phenols and the relief they seem to provide still requires more research, oatmeal shampoo has been found to provide benefits such as:

  • cleansing skin
  • providing itch relief
  • locking in or protecting the skin's moisture barrier
  • reducing swelling and irritation
  • reducing inflammation and redness

For many dog owners, oatmeal shampoo is a great solution for a variety of skin problems. Using an oatmeal shampoo formulated for dogs in place of her regular shampoo can give your dog the relief she needs from dry, itchy, irritated skin. 

When to Use Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs

Oftentimes, dogs start to get itchy spots, skin irritation, and rashes when they're suffering from canine dermatitis, an umbrella term referring to an allergic or inflammatory reaction to:

  • fleas and other parasites
  • food allergies
  • environmental allergies (i.e. dust mites, pollen, or mold)

Because oatmeal shampoo formulated for dogs is gentle, you can use it in place of regular dog shampoo at every bath.

Why You Should Consult Your Vet About Skin Problems

So, you've noticed that your dog is scratching more often, constantly licking certain areas, or developing hot spots. While oatmeal shampoo will likely bring your dog relief and reduce the discomfort of these symptoms, you should still talk to your vet for a variety of reasons.

The first is that some skin conditions, like yeast infections, require antibacterial creams or medications. Oatmeal shampoo is helpful for reducing the symptoms of a skin condition, but it doesn't treat the skin condition.

The second is that while most dogs only need a bath every other month, dogs with skin conditions may benefit from more frequent baths using medicated shampoo or oatmeal shampoo. Talk to your vet about using oatmeal shampoo to help your pooch find relief and ask how often you should be lathering them up.

What Oatmeal Shampoo Isn't Used For

As we mentioned earlier, oatmeal shampoo can soothe symptoms, but it can't treat the condition causing the symptoms. Some dogs will need antibiotics or antibacterials to get rid of viral or fungal infections. Dogs who are itchy due to the presence of parasites like fleas will require special treatment to kill those parasites. 

The good news is that most of the time, oatmeal shampoo won't interfere with these other treatments. You may need to wait for topical treatments like flea ointment to do their job, but it won't be long before you can give your dog an oatmeal bath and start to soothe that irritated skin. 

How to Bathe Your Dog With Oatmeal Shampoo

Bathing a dog with oatmeal shampoo is no different than bathing a dog with regular shampoo! The steps are as follows:

  1. Use a showerhead to wet your dog's coat and skin with warm (not hot) water, making sure to avoid wetting the insides of their ears.
  2. Pour shampoo into your hand or in a thin line down your dog's back and lather it into their coat, making sure to get all those hard-to-reach spots like their belly or paw pads.
  3. Rinse and repeat.
  4. Use a washcloth to gently wash your dog's face.
  5. Apply conditioner (which can also have an oatmeal base), allow it to sit for a few minutes, then rinse.
  6. Towel or blow-dry your dog.

You can also talk to your groomer about using oatmeal shampoo at your dog's next appointment!

How to Find the Best Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs

Can you grab the bar of oatmeal soap or the bottle of oatmeal shampoo that you use and use it on your dog's skin and coat? The short answer is no. There are ingredients used in shampoo formulated for humans that may not agree with your dog's skin.

Always make sure that you are using oatmeal shampoo for dogs. If you're not sure which brand to use, talk to your vet or groomer to get their recommendation. 

Is DIY Oatmeal Shampoo a Good Idea?

Technically, you can create an oatmeal shampoo on your own, combining colloidal oatmeal with other cleansing ingredients. Is this a good idea? The short answer is no.

Trying to strike the right balance of ingredients that will soothe and cleanse, rather than irritate or disturb your dog's natural pH balance, isn't a simple process. It's best to leave the shampoo creation to the professionals.

Is Oatmeal Shampoo Good for Dogs? Yes!

Is oatmeal shampoo good for dogs? Can you use oatmeal for your dog's skin to reduce itchiness or irritation? Oatmeal shampoo seems to provide our canine companions with the same relief as it provides us. 

Do you have the oatmeal shampoo but not all of the other equipment you need to give your dog a bath? Do you simply not want to bathe and groom your dog, yourself? Contact us to schedule an appointment to use our self-service or full-service amenities. 

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