How to Be a Good Dog Owner: 6 Basic Tips

Over 69 million households in the US currently own a dog making it the most popular pet in the country. If you’re thinking of owning a dog you’ll be rewarded with a lifetime of joy. 

You will also have a lifetime of responsibility, and bringing a canine companion into your life comes with that commitment. Being a responsible dog owner, and following some basic rules will help keep you and your dog happy and healthy.

If you’re looking at bringing a four-legged friend into your family, here are six easy-to-follow tips on how to be a good dog owner. 

6 Tips on How to Be a Good Dog Owner

If you’re new to dog ownership, or in the early stages of planning to get a dog, then follow these great tips on how to be a good dog owner. 

These 6 essential tips will help you feel confident every step of the way, ensuring you and your new canine companion get off to a great start.

Do Your Research 

Before you even consider getting a dog, you should do some thorough research before you even bring your furry friend home with you. Responsible dog owners will have considered the dog's needs and requirements before getting one. 

Your dog will be 100% reliable on you for its entire life, so you need to make sure you’re committed to whatever your dog needs. Think about your current life, as this will govern what type of dog you can get.

For example, if you live in a high-rise apartment block, then you’re going to be limited by how much outdoor space if any, your dog will have access to. If you have other pets or young children, then you need to find a breed that has a reputation for being tolerant. 

Good dog owners look at the bigger picture, and how well a dog will fit into their lives. The area you live in may have restrictions on the breed of dog you’re allowed to keep. It’s also worth looking for a dog that reflects your lifestyle, if you are active and someone who spends their weekends away hiking, then a small lap dog may struggle with this. 

It’s also worth researching the financial commitment to the dog. Although all breeds will need regular vet checkups, some breeds need regular grooming, or specialist breeds are renowned for various health issues which can all add to the expense.  

Prepare Your House

Your house should be doggy friendly. Prepare an area, somewhere quiet and away from draughts and the cold that your dog can claim as its own. They should have some sort of bed, that is exclusively for them to use. 

Before you introduce a new dog to your home, decide with other people who live there, what the rules are so that these are consistent with everyone. If someone in the house allows the dog on the sofa, and then someone else tells the dog off, this gives a confusing message to your dog.

Responsible pet owners also make sure that anything that could be considered a toy is kept out of the way of dogs, especially puppies. Make sure that you have toys around your home to stop your dog from getting bored.

Train Consistently

One of the challenges with owning a dog is being consistent. Training your dog takes a lot of time and patience. Be consistent with everything you do and practice positive reinforcement to encourage good habits. 

Everyone in the household should work to the same rules to help your dog develop a good routine and teach it how to behave. The key things to remember with training your dog are consistency and predictability in a safe environment that allows your dog to learn. 

Know Your Dog’s Needs

Different types of dogs have different needs. Knowing what they need and when is an essential part of being a good dog owner. As standard, your dog should always have access to fresh drinking water and have daily exercise, be fed healthy food, and be given a sheltered space or designated area.

If you’re caring for a dog that has long fur, then it will need daily brushing and regular visits to the groomers. While some types of dogs will be happy with a few short walks a day, other dog breeds, particularly breed classed as working dogs, need an abundance of exercise or at least access to space to run in. More intelligent dog breeds need plenty of stimulation, so you may need to buy toys specifically aimed at challenging them. 

It’s also worth finding a vet that you and your dog can trust and respect. You will build up a life-long rapport with your vet, who will see your dog regularly. They will be able to give all the information you need on vaccinations, flea and tick prevention as well as any health issues. 

Choose the Right Food

The options for dog food are endless, but a good dog owner will opt for high-quality food tailored to their dog's needs. 

Cheaper brands of food use low-quality ingredients which don’t provide your dog with all the nutrients they need. It’s also worth noting that some foods can cause health issues, especially if your dog has allergies to some of the ingredients. 

The size and activity levels of your dog will be the main factors to consider when choosing a food. The best way to find out which the best food is for your dog is to speak with your vet, who will recommend a diet based on their age, size, overall health, allergies, and lifestyle. 

Consider Microchipping

For most people, your dog is an extended member of the family. It can be incredibly distressing if your dog goes missing. If your dog is found by someone, they are often taken to a local sanctuary or vet with the hope that the owner comes looking for them.  

Part of being a good dog owner is getting your dog microchipped. A microchip is about the size of a grain of rice and is inserted into the skin between your dog's shoulder blades.

Are you a great dog owner?

So, now you know some great tips on how to be a good dog owner. Another way of being a good dog owner is by treating your dog to some exclusive pamper time. 

You can treat your dog at home, or bring them to our salons for a top-to-toe bathing or grooming session. Contact our experienced and qualified, dog-loving staff to book your dog’s appointment today.