Grooming Services That Reduce Dog Shedding — Bubbly Paws : Self Service Dog Wash and Grooming

Grooming Services That Reduce Dog Shedding

Over 67% of American families, or two out of every three homes, own a pet. Dogs are one of the most popular types of pet to add to a family, but their fur can be a nuisance. 

Most dogs shed, so learning to deal with the extra fur is a must. Luckily, there are several ways to de-shed your dog to control excess fur. One of the most effective ways to reduce the amount of fur your dog sheds is by visiting a groomer. 

We go over the grooming services your groomer may use to keep your dog's hair under control. 

Why a Dog Sheds

Dogs shed for many important health reasons. The process of shedding removes old, damaged hair and makes way for new, healthy hair. It also keeps your dog's coat full and warm. Shedding excess fur in the spring can help regulate your pet's body temperatures. 

All dogs shed, but some breeds shed more because of the fur style of their breed. Many of these breeds have double coats, with a soft undercoat and coarse topcoat. Dogs with a double coat are constantly shedding because of the weather changes. 

Dogs also shed any damaged fur. This process keeps their skin healthy. 

In some cases, a dog that sheds too much is from improper de-shedding. This is why you need to take your dog to a grooming professional to reduce unwanted dog hair. 

Problems Caused by Dog Hair

Dog dander can cause many problems for humans. If you inhale the flakes of dead skin from the fur, they can irritate people with dander allergies. If the hair is not taken care of, dander can lead to chronic respiratory problems in severe cases. 

You'll know you have a pet dander allergy if you have itchy eyes and a runny nose around your pet. Other people may also notice that they have difficulty breathing if their allergy is terrible. 

Excessive dog hair also gets all over your house. If you don't keep up with grooming, you'll need to constantly vacuum to keep up with it. 

How Dog Grooming Can Help With Dog Shedding

If your dog is suffering from excessive shedding, taking them to a groomer can help. Your groomer can use many different options to help keep the fur at bay. 

Using Dog Baths to Reduce Shedding

One option to reduce shedding is by using a dog bath. During this service, a groomer will wash your dog using a dog shampoo. Once they are clean, your dog will get blowdried and brushed. 

Bathing your dog gets rid of loose hair, which can help lessen future shedding. Dog baths also keep your dog's skin and coat clean and helps to prevent matting. 

When your groomer brushes your dog after their bath, they remove any loose hair that the shampoo didn't pick up. Some groomers will brush a dog twice to pick up as much hair as possible. 

While dog baths can significantly help reduce shedding, you shouldn't bathe your dog every day. Bathing too often can cause skin irritation, increased hair loss, and flaky dandruff. 

Haircutting for Dogs to Reduce Shedding

Like human hair, dog hair grows in cycles, and shedding is an inevitable part of this cycle. Hair grows in cycles and sheds when it is mature. Cutting your dog's coat will not completely stop the problem, but it can help. 

When you cut a dog's hair, it will still shed but be much shorter. The shorter hair will make it easier to manage. 

If you decide to cut your dog's hair, make sure you don't cut it too short. Cutting your dog's hair too close to the skin can cause ingrown hair and bumps. If your dog gets these, they can make the hair regrowth uneven. 

De-Shedding Tools to Reduce Shedding

Your groomer may also offer an option to use a de-shedding tool to remove some of your dog's fur. There are several of these tools that they may use. 

Some new de-shedding tools feature a comb with narrow teeth that pick up loose fur. This is a great option for thick undercoats that aren't too long. Don't choose this type of tool if your pet has very long hair or it can snag. 

Groomers have been using bristle brushes to de-fur their dogs for years. This basic tool gets the job done and is suitable for any type of fur. 

If you have a dog with a long coat, your groomer may choose a pin brush. They release tangles and don't pull at dogs with long locks. 

De-Shedding Upkeep at Home 

You can take some steps to help control shedding in your home. 

Regular grooming will do wonders at keeping dog fur under control. When you groom your dog on a schedule, they will have less hair to lose in your house. 

Make sure you are feeding your dog a nutritious diet. The healthier their meals, the better the fur on their coat will be. 

There are several types of shedding tools available on the market. When choosing a de-shedding product, carefully read the product's packaging. This will help you determine which one will work best with your dog's coat type.

Keep Your Home Fur-Free With Regular Grooming Services 

Although a man's best friend brings so much joy to a home, their dog hair can be a struggle. Knowing the grooming services available to you can help keep dog hair overtaking your life. 

Do you have a dog that sheds like crazy? If so, Bubbly Paws is the best place to bring them to get them on a regular grooming routine. Beat the fur by scheduling an appointment today